For helpful information from ACFA and it’s partners.
For more information see the below links:
Consultation toolkit
A one-stop-shop online toolkit designed to help improve work health and safety consultation practices in NSW workplaces.
SafeWork NSW licence register
A new register of high risk work, asbestos and demolition licence holders, and general construction induction training card holders is now available online. The register does not include holders of explosives and firework licences.
Silica workshop slides See the slides from the silica dust sessions. Refer to the silica page on the SafeWork NSW website for guides, resources and more!
Silica in engineered stone workplaces – Click Here for SafeWork NSW dedicate website
Making WHS Easy A one-stop-shop Easy to do WHS toolkit designed to to make it easier for small businesses to understand and meet their work health and safety obligations.
Small Business Rebate: If you are a small business owner in NSW, this $1,000 rebate will help you purchase safety items to improve work health and safety for you and your workers. Click here for further information
The Manufactured Stone – Silica Safety Rebate Program offers up to $1000 to help business owners and sole traders who fabricate benchtops with manufactured stone adopt solutions to high risk safety problems in their workplace.